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Copier   Listen
Copier  n.  
One who copies; one who writes or transcribes from an original; a transcriber.
An imitator; one who imitates an example; hence, a plagiarist.
A machine that makes copies of documents, especially by xerography; a photocopier; as, to run twenty copies off on the copier.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Copier" Quotes from Famous Books

... which we are engaged is the judgment of a portion of history as it was. I am not writing here from a brief. I am concerned to set forth a fact. I am acting as a witness or a copier, not as an advocate or lawyer. And I say that the conclusion we can establish with regard to the Christian community on these main lines is the conclusion to which any man must come quite independently of his creed. He will deny these facts only if he has such bias against the Faith as interferes ...
— Europe and the Faith - "Sine auctoritate nulla vita" • Hilaire Belloc

... that awful character I have not the most distant pretensions. I do not know whether I do not hazard my pretensions to be a critic of any kind, when I say that I think Virgil, in many instances, a servile copier of Homer. If I had the Odyssey by me, I could parallel many passages where Virgil has evidently copied, but by no means improved, Homer. Nor can I think there is anything of this owing to the translators; for, from everything ...
— The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. • Robert Burns and Allan Cunningham

Words linked to "Copier" :   duplicator, Xerox machine, lithograph machine, xerox, photocopier, fax, lithograph, mimeograph, setup, Photostat machine, apparatus, hectograph, facsimile, copy, roneo

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