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Environmental   Listen
environmental  adj.  
Of or pertaining to the environment; as, environmental factors.
Of or pertaining to the environment (definition 2); as, environmental pollution; environmental disaster; environmental cleanup; environmental deterioration. "THOUSANDS of dead fish and other marine species, suffocated by a rotting, glutinous morass which spreads over kilometres of coral reefs. This scenario has all the hallmarks of a unnatural environmental disaster resulting from environmental negligence. However this isn't the case, instead the cause coral spawn slick deoxygenation is a natural event which has the potential to occur periodically on the reefs of the West Pilbara."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Environmental" Quotes from Famous Books

... and HAS a body. When he properly places his sense of identity, he leaves behind all compulsive patterns. So long as he remains confused in his ordinary state of spiritual amnesia, he will know the subtle fetters of environmental law. ...
— Autobiography of a YOGI • Paramhansa Yogananda

... dwells upon the religious life of the boy as dependent upon the use of some inherent religious faculty that is quite detached from the normal physical and mental processes. Such an attitude favors an easy escape from both the labor of character building and the obligations of environmental salvation. Recognizing these dangers and remembering that morality and religion are most valid when acquired and incorporated in actual conduct, one may analyze a standard game in search of its ...
— The Minister and the Boy • Allan Hoben

... pastures, and these checked well with the above. Later still, a careful count showed 300 mounds on approximately 160 acres (see p. 8), or 1.87 mounds per acre. Nine areas of 2 acres each, representing different environmental conditions, were later selected in different portions of the Range Reserve, and the dens accurately counted. The number of dens per 2 acres varied from none to a maximum infestation of 12, neither extreme occurring over large areas. The ...
— Life History of the Kangaroo Rat • Charles T. Vorhies and Walter P. Taylor

... infections, which may result in the infection-exhaustion psychoses; by wrong methods of education, and by surroundings which demand too severe a mental strain in the struggle toward adjustment. These damages from without we class roughly as environmental. ...
— Applied Psychology for Nurses • Mary F. Porter

Words linked to "Environmental" :   Council on Environmental Policy, environment, environmental condition, ecology, environmental science, Environmental Protection Agency

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