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Stopple   Listen

Blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly.  Synonyms: plug, stopper.

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"Stopple" Quotes from Famous Books

... up the flasket and pulled out the stopple and betook it to Birdalone, and said: Drink of this now, a little sip, no more. And the maiden did so, and the liquor was no sooner down her gullet than the witch-wife and the chamber, and all things about her, became somewhat dim to her; but yet not so much so as that she could not see them. ...
— The Water of the Wondrous Isles • William Morris

... best," said the old man, putting his nose to the mouth of the canister, and taking a long sniff before he inserted the stopple—"the yarb be of the best, fur the smell of it goes into the nose strong as mustard. That be good fur the woman fur sartin, and will cheer her sperits when she be downhearted; fur a woman takes as naterally to tea as an otter to his slide, and I warrant it'll be an amazin' comfort to her, arter the ...
— Holiday Tales - Christmas in the Adirondacks • W. H. H. Murray

Words linked to "Stopple" :   drainplug, tap, block, tampion, earplug, fipple, bung, closure, tompion, stoppage, occlusion, spile, tampon, bottle cork, stop up, cork, stop, blockage, spigot, secure

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