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0 - 1790s
17th - 2nd
2nd lieutenant - 54
55 - a a milne
a battery - abandoned person
abandoned ship - aberdeen
aberdeen angus - abnormal
abnormal psychology - abrasive material
abrasiveness - absorbency
absorbent - aby warburg
abydos - acanthus
acanthus family - accession
accessional - accountancy
accountant - acer saccharum
acer spicatum - achlorhydric
achmad sukarno - ack ack
ack ack gun - acquittal
acquittance - acrylonitrile butadiene styren
act - activating
activating agent - acyclovir
acyl - addicted
addiction - adhd
adhere - administrable
administrate - adoptive
adoptive parent - adultery
adulthood - adzhar
adzharia - aerodynamic
aerodynamic force - affectedness
affecting - aforethought
afoul - aftercare
afterdamp - age group
age limit - agincourt
aging - agreeably
agreed - ahuehuete
ahura - air gas
air group - airflow
airfoil - akka
akkadian - alarmist
alarum - albugo
albula - aldrovanda
aldrovanda vesiculosa - alexander vi
alexander wilson - algiers
algin - aliphatic
aliphatic compound - all mains
all metal - allergist
allergology - allocution
allogamous - almond leaves willow
almond moth - alpha iron
alpha linolenic acid - alstonia
alstonia scholaris - aluminize
aluminous - amateur
amateur - ambuscade
ambush - american black bear
american blight - american party
american pasqueflower - amia calva
amiability - amnesiac
amnesic - amphibious operation
amphibious vehicle - amygdala
amygdalaceae - anagasta kuehniella
anaglyph - anaphasic
anaphor - anatropous ovule
anaxagoras - andre le notre
andre maginot - anemometry
anemone - angiocarp
angiocarpic - anglophobic
angola - animal leg
animal magnetism - ankylosing spondylitis
ankylosis - annualry
annuitant - anorgasmia
anorthic - antediluvian
antediluvian patriarch - anthophyta
anthozoa - antiarrhythmic drug
antiarrhythmic medication - antiheretical
antihero - antipsychotic agent
antipsychotic drug - antonine wall
antoninus - apart
apartheid - apios
apios americana - aponeurotic
apopemptic - appealable
appealing - appleton
appleton layer - approbative
approbatory - aquatint
aquavit - araliaceae
aram - arbutus
arbutus menziesii - archer