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bolanci - boltzmann s constant
bolus - bondman
bondsman - boogie
boogie - bookman
bookmark - borage family
boraginaceae - borstal
bortsch - botrychium
botrychium lunaria - boughten
bouillabaisse - bovinae
bovine - box pleat
box seat - brachiopoda
brachiopodous - brain coral
brain damage - branchial arch
branchial cleft - brassicaceae
brassie - breadcrumb
breadfruit - breaststroke
breaststroke - brewage
brewer - briefing
briefless - bringing
bringing close together - britishism
briton - brocadopa
broccoli - bronco
bronco buster - brown algae
brown ash - bruin
bruise - bryan
bryan donkin - bucket shop
bucketful - buffer
buffer - bulawayo
bulb - bulletin board system
bulletproof - bunch
bunch - burbank
burberry - burmanniaceae
burmeisteria - burthen
burthen - business department
business district - butea kino
butea monosperma - button fern
button hole - by design
by election - ca ca
caaba - cackly
cacodaemon - caesalpiniaceae
caesalpinioideae - calabash pipe
calabash tree - calculative
calculator - california pitcher plant
california pompano - callinectes
callinectes sapidus - calorie free
calorifacient - camber
camber - campaign hat
campaigner - canada jay
canada lily - cancer irroratus
cancer juice - canful
cangue - cannulisation
cannulise - cantor
cantus firmus - cape verde escudo
cape verde islands - capital of guatemala
capital of guinea - capital of south dakota
capital of south korea - capparis
capparis arborea - captainship
caption - caranda
caranda palm - carboxylic
carboxylic acid - cardinal richelieu
cardinal tetra - cargo cult
cargo deck - carlsbad
carlsbad caverns - carotid artery
carotid body - carriage
carriage bolt - cartilage
cartilage bone - cascade liquefier
cascade mountains - caskful
casmerodius - castile soap
castilian - catabolism
catabolize - catawba
catbird - catharsis
cathartes - cattle farm
cattle grid - caustic potash
caustic remark - cd
cd burner - celastrus scandens
celebes - celluloid
cellulose - centenary
centennial - centralist
centralistic - cephalochordata
cephalochordate - cereal bowl
cereal box - cervantes
cervantes saavedra - ch ing dynasty
cha cha - chainlink fence
chains - chamber
chamber - change of shape
change of state - chapterhouse
chapultepec - charity case
charity shot - charleston
charleston - chateau thierry
chateaubriand - checking program
checklist - chelation
chelicera - chemoreceptor
chemosis - chess set
chessboard - chickasaw plum
chicken - chigger flower