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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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cross link - crotalus atrox
crotalus cerastes - crowned
crowned head - crusty
crutch - crystal ball
crystal clear - cubic content unit
cubic decimeter - cue
cue ball - cumfrey
cumin - curability
curable - current of air
current unit - cushioning
cushiony - cutaneal
cutaneous - cyanocitta cristata
cyanocobalamin - cyclopropane
cyclops - cynomys ludovicianus
cynophobia - cyrus the younger
cyst - czechoslovak
czechoslovakia - daftness
dag - dall s sheep
dall sheep - damon runyon
damosel - daniel garrison brinton
daniel hudson burnham - dark colored
dark coloured - dasyatis centroura
dasymeter - dauphin
davalia bullata - day of reckoning
day of remembrance - de jure segregation
de kooning - deaf mute
deaf mute - debatable
debate - decarboxylation
decarburise - decisiveness
decius - deconstructionism
deconstructionist - deep cervical vein
deep chested - defeatist
defecate - deficiency disease
deficient - degree of a polynomial
degree of a term - deleterious
deletion - delta wave
delta wing - demineralisation
demineralise - demosthenes
demosthenic - denmark
denmark vesey - deodar cedar
deodorant - dependent variable
depending on - deprive
deprived - derriere
derring do - desertification
desertion - desperately
desperation - detail
detail - detrimentally
detrition - devilfish
devilise - dhak
dhaka - dialectal
dialectic - diarist
diarrhea - dichromatopsia
dichromia - diderot
didion - differentiator
differently - digitately
digitigrade - dimensionality
dimensioning - dinner theatre
dinnertime - diplomatic immunity
diplomatic minister - direct supporting fire
direct tax - disagreeable
disagreeable person - discipleship
disciplinal - discount store
discountenance - disfavour
disfavour - disincentive
disinclination - dismayed
dismaying - display adapter
display adaptor - dissection
dissemble - distillment
distinct - disunion
disunite - dividend warrant
divider - dizygous
dizzily - docking fee
dockside - dog collar
dog day cicada - dolby
dolce - domestic sheep
domestic silkworm moth - donbass
done - dorian order
doric - dot printer
dot product - double indemnity
double jeopardy - dove
dove s foot geranium - downspin
downstage - dracunculus
dracunculus medinensis - dramatics
dramatis personae - dreamer
dreamfully - dried milk
dried out - drive line system
drive off - drop open
drop out - drum sander