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longhand - looking glass plant
looking glass tree - lorca
lorchel - loth
lothario - louis x
louis xi - lover s knot
loverlike - low water mark
lowan - loyalist
loyalist volunteer force - lucretius
lucrezia borgia - lumbermill
lumberyard - luo
luoyang - lutra
lutra canadensis - lychnis dioica
lychnis flos cuculi - lymphoblastic leukemia
lymphocyte - lysimachia clethroides duby
lysimachia nemorum - machaeranthera bigelovii
machaeranthera tanacetifolia - macrencephalic
macrencephalous - madam
madame - magic bullet
magic eye - magnetised
magnetism - mahogany family
mahogany red - main file
main line - makaira
makaira albida - malacosoma
malacosoma americana - male internal reproductive org
male monarch - mallophaga
mallotus - mama s boy
mamba - managed economy
management - maned wolf
manes - manifesto
manifold - manta ray
mantegna - maple
maple family - march equinox
march king - mari
maria - mark rothko
mark tobey - marmota
marmota caligata - marsh tea
marsh trefoil - marvel
marvel - mask of pregnancy
masked - masseter
masseur - mastoid
mastoid - mathematical group
mathematical logic - matthew walker knot
matthias schleiden - max ferdinand perutz
max karl ernst ludwig planck - mazar i sharif
mazatlan - meal plan
meal ticket - mebendazole
mebibit - mediatory
mediatrix - mediterranean anaemia
mediterranean anchovy - megaloblastic anaemia
megaloblastic anemia - melanocyte stimulating hormone
melanoderma - melon ball
melon tree - menace
menace - menstruation
menstruum - menziesia pilosa
meow - meretriciously
meretriciousness - mesasamkranti
mescal - messiahship
messianic - metaphase
metaphor - method of fluxions
method of least squares - metrify
metritis - mho
mhz - microcyte
microcytic anaemia - microsporophyll
microsporum - middle english
middle finger - might have been
mightily - militarization
militarize - milk of magnesia
milk powder - milliner
millinery - mind boggling
mind expanding - minicomputer
miniconju - minos
minotaur - mirrored
mirrorlike - misfire
misfit - missile defense system
missing - mitella
mitella diphylla - mnemosyne
mnemotechnic - moderationist
moderatism - mohican
moho - molluga
molluga verticillata - monarda fistulosa
monarda pectinata - mongolism
mongoloid - monoclinous
monoclonal - monopsony
monopteral - montfort
montgolfier - moorish
moorish - mordva
mordvin - morphophoneme
morphophonemic - moss animal
moss campion - motherless
motherlike - motorcyclist
motored - mountain ash
mountain avens - mouse button
mouse click - moving picture show
moving ridge - muckrake