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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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muckraker - mugil cephalus
mugil curema - multi ethnic
multi seeded - mumbai
mumble - murmansk
murmur - musculature
musculophrenic artery - musical arrangement
musical box - mussel
mussel shrimp - mutsuhito
mutt - mydriatic drug
myelatelia - myotis velifer
myotomy - mystical
mystically - naegele s rule
naemorhedus - nalorphine
naloxone - napaea
napaea dioica - narrow
narrow beech fern - nasturtium amphibium
nasturtium family - native american
native american - naturalness
nature - navigational
navigational chart - nebbish
nebcin - nectarine tree
nectarous - neglige
negligee - neoceratodus
neoceratodus forsteri - nepeta cataria
nepeta hederaceae - nerve ending
nerve entrapment - netball
nether - neuroma
neuromatous - nevus flammeus
new - new york state
new york state barge canal - newspapering
newspaperman - nicaraguan monetary unit
niccolo machiavelli - nigella hispanica
nigella sativa - nihil obstat
nihilism - ninib
ninigi - nitrogen dioxide
nitrogen fixation - noam chomsky
nob - nolina microcarpa
nolle pros - nonabsorbency
nonabsorbent - nonconformance
nonconforming - nonimitative
nonimmune - nonplused
nonplussed - nonstick
nonstop - noreg
norepinephrine - north dakotan
north dravidian - northern phalarope
northern pike - nosohusial
nosology - notoriety
notorious - noyes
nozzle - nucleus
nucleus niger - numerical value
numerically - nutcase
nutcracker - nymphaeaceae
nymphalid - obeche
obechi - obliquity
obliterable - obstreperously
obstreperousness - occupational
occupational disease - octanedioic acid
octangular - odontoglossum
odontoid process - off putting
off roader - offshore rig
offside - oilfield
oilfish - old maid
old maid flower - oleandra mollis
oleandra neriiformis - olivier
olivine - on all fours
on an individual basis - oncologist
oncology - one sixth
one sixtieth - onrush
onsager - open collared
open door - operation
operation code - opossum wood
oppenheimer - optical pyrometer
optical telescope - orange juice
orange juice concentrate - orchidales
orchidalgia - order colymbiformes
order commelinales - order lepidodendrales
order lepidoptera - order plumbaginales
order podicipediformes - order volvocales
order xiphosura - organic fertilizer
organic law - originator
orinasal - orpington
orr - orzo
os - ossiculate
ossiculum - othello
other - ouse