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Depth psychology   /dɛpθ saɪkˈɑlədʒi/   Listen
Depth psychology

A set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of Sigmund Freud.  Synonyms: analysis, psychoanalysis.

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Words linked to "Depth psychology" :   ego, anal personality, genital phase, pleasure principle, latency phase, abreaction, charge, latent content, death instinct, ego ideal, phallic stage, Thanatos, psychosexual development, phallic phase, imago, acathexis, oral stage, anaclisis, anal, latency period, death wish, anal retentive, pleasure-unpleasure principle, abreact, oral phase, castration anxiety, introject, oral personality, transference, cathexis, id, superego, latency stage, katharsis, penis envy, anal retentive personality, reality principle, anal phase, genital personality, anal stage, genital stage, oral, complex, condensation, psychotherapy, hypnoanalysis, libidinal energy, pleasure-pain principle, catharsis, cathectic, libido, introjection

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